Baby Le Xin

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Do you advocate the need for Water Play?

One of her "Corridor Fun" haha Le Xin enjoys water as much as Mummy does! She simply likes to scoop the water and pour it into another container. Transferring water often provides Le Xin an opportunity to understand the properties of water.
She is also beginning to use simple tools like funnel to aid her in her exploration!
I wonder how many parents or educator out there are also a big advocate when it comes to waterplay?
Do you provide opportunity for your child to play with water too?
What kind of materials do you add into the water to provide more sensory experience? I used small blue crystal liked stones that I bought from Daiso they are beautiful and Le Xin likes to put them in and pretends to cook them as ingredients for her "soup".
Mummy can you play with me is what Le Xin likes to say each time she engages in water play, in fact in any play actually, a part of me always feel so good that she offers to play with me :) Sometimes I really wish to have time to myself but we know it's definitely hard to reject a heartbreaking smile don't we?

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