Baby Le Xin

Saturday 20 April 2013

My Silhouette

A mummy from Kiasuparent gave me the inspiration to create this craft with Le Xin. If you are interested, you can check out her blog here

Haha I'm going to help Le Xin with the captions they are not her  actual speech unless they are in red font (as usual)
So you need me to lie down on this mahjong paper?
Hi, Mummy you can start to draw my silhouette!
This is how the outline of my body..... hooray:)
Next, Mummy attached my silhouette on some newspaper and pasted the whole thing on the door
Firstly, I decided to paint the head
Mummy I want to change my brush 
Dipping my brush into the pink paint.....
Thinking where I should paint next? Hmm.....
Yeah, let's paint the arm...
Little Artist @ Work.....
Maybe I should take a two little legs are feeling quite wobbly :p
Mummy I finished painting already said Le Xin
So this is my silhouette.....nicely painted!
Do you value learning through Arts? I have been struggling to understand this value for almost a decade! It's not easy because in Singapore, we value the quality of learning by assessing how well a child can read/write/count/understand/express, how fast he/she can complete her work (in fact completes them without much assistance), ohh noo.......not to mention how well he/she fair in each year's overall exam......
Sad isn't it?
Le Xin is turning 3 this year, I am still taking things slowly, as you can see a lot of my post fall under the label "Aesthetic and Creative Expression" I still wish to value her representations of learning through the arts. I just need to constantly remind myself how I can make her learning more visible so that I can convience myself that actual learning DOES take place.
Le Xin looks forward to craft together with me each time. A lot of interactions go on during each session, it's really through such sessions that I gained understanding about her development. It's a pure enjoyment, I hope it's something I can embrace even as she grows....
Well, let me tell you it's definitely easier said than done....haiz.....We all know somehow academic learning will soon conquer all the fun, but nope I am not going to let this happen! Sooo......Fighting!  

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