Baby Le Xin

Thursday 15 January 2015

Valentine Day Craft 1

Today MummyT2X did a simple heart shape craft with me....  Let's check out the fun we had :)

As usual, the exact words that I said are in Red!

MummyT2X drew a heart shape on a pink construction paper and I cut it out...

I think my cutting skill has improved!

Let's cut again....

Two pieces, I shall keep one of them in my Atelier for Art and Craft said Le Xin

Let me put some glue on this....

Paste said Le Xin

I can cut this out by myself, let me try said Le Xin

Time to decorate my work, I dipped a cotton bud into my small pot of red paint....

and I form dots around.....I think this is call pointillism - a painting technique 

I made some mistakes but MummyT2X said it's perfectly okay and told me to continue working on my craft...

With much confidence, I finally formed all the dots on the borders by myself so I went on to write the word "Love"

I tried to fill the empty space by decorating it with sequins of many shapes and colours...


Tada....nicely done!

Tell me the truth....nice or not, if you think it looks nice you should leave me a comment below!
Not on Facebook because I can't read them in future!

My Masterpiece!

Looking forward to make MORE CRAFTS with my MummyT2X  and I hope she won't be lazy <----I do mean it!

Reflection by MummyT2X:

In this learning experience, the biggest challenge was the part where she had to use the cotton bud to form the dots. It wasn't easy for her but I was well-prepared because I have done similar crafts with my students in the past. Did you notice some dots look out of shapes? She was distracted along the way, and ended up painting instead of dotting. I just had to remind her to dot and yes I kept my cool (Praise the Lord).

I could tell Le Xin was quite worried when she was forming the dots so I demonstrated on another piece of paper and encouraged her that it can be easily done. I said "Just form the dots like this, place the cotton bud on the paper and lift up your arm, if you do it wrongly, don't worry just go on, no big deal, I am sure you can do it, keep trying, jia you bao bei!"

After my demonstration, I could tell she was much more confident!

A great learning experiences for the both of us! 

Try this craft with your child or your students and be amazed by your little artist :)

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