Baby Le Xin

Sunday 13 January 2013

Rolling Paint!

Just thought of trying out some rolling paint art which I saw on someone's blog! It's a good alternative to sponge painting which I tried out with Le Xin earlier on.... She appeared to enjoy  the learing process because it was simple and most importantly - FUN!

So these are the materials we need?
Mummy helped to wrap the toilet roll with bubble wrap 
Alright nicely wrapped, let's start!
Firstly, scoop a bit of green paint...
Hey, I don't think that's enough :o
I need to scoop a little more!
Stir and stir....
Start rolling.....
Wow look at the patterns that I have formed :)
How about working with blue paint now ^_^
I didn't take any photo after that because I was busy facilitating her and yes both her hands and my hands were filled with paint...
Haha that's true too :)
The joy of learning begins when you truly wants to enjoy and nothing else!
Not even when your hands look dirty right?
Yes indeed! Blue Hands said Le Xin

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