Babies under a year usually has a strong need to suck! I am glad Le Xin never ask for a pacifier but seriously I was quite worried when she began to suck her thumb......I know it's perfectly normal for her to do that but I was really worried that it will eventually turn into a bad habit.
It's not my fault that my fist looks like a drumlet!
Change menu: Mittens today!
Yummy! I'm loving it!
Not interested in my thumb anymore, let's try my index finger now!
I suck my thumb and finger even when I am deep in thoughts!
Don't stop me!!!! Nothing's going to change my love for you finger :p
Who told you my milk bottle wasn't involved? hmph!
The sucking went on for a while and MummyT2X became a little paranoid and soooo she decided to introduce.......
A crazy was that! It's not that Le Xin has turned into a fretful baby....I was just being "too worried".... well at least pacifier is not considered as harmful by doctors, as long as I kept it clean so what's the big deal? However, Le Xin kept pushing it out of her I need to respect that and stop giving it to her after a few tries.
Sucking her thumb again.......Alright! I give up.....
It's was not long before she started mouthing every objects she found whahahhaha...

First up, was her toy who kept making a "yao gui" sound (Daddy Scott and I were laughing cause Yao Gui in Hokkien means greedy)
Then I gave a rubber ring which was like the shape of the number 8. She appeared to enjoy biting and sucking it. Soooooo cute!
Even when we were out, I packed it for her so that she could bite it :)
I have this Pigu massager that was given to me by my student and somehow Le Xin loves it......She particularly likes to bite the tag of the toy!
Trying out which happy meal toys taste better whahaha :p
After a few months, just when I thought the mouthing was about to stop.....
She even attacked the toy I lent from school.
Daddy Scott and I could stop laughing when we saw what she did.......It was soooooo hilarious and I am glad Daddy Scott immediately took his iPhone and snapped a shot of her!
Leaving you guys with a cute video of Le Xin's sucking her thumb....ignore my voice as I was just talking on the phone. Everything happens for a reason now I know there is nothing much to worry actually when Le Xin was sucking her thumb or fingers and putting things in her mouth. Having said that, please be mindful never to leave an infant or toddler alone when he/she is holding a potential object that might cause chocking!