Baby Le Xin

Saturday 17 January 2015

Our First East Coast Park Outing in Year 2015

Wow I really miss going to East Coast Park with MummyT2X and DaddyScott!
Today we finally had the chance to go there for some great bonding!

Here are some of the photos taken...

I was trying to scoop the sand so that I could pour it into my yellow pail....

Hooray! I felt so good stepping on the fine sand!

Sand play is sooooo fun, do you want to join me next time?

I need to gather more treasure, what about some nice seashells?

Put some sand on a tray...

Learning how to dig a hole....

DaddyScott playing with me!

See my backside~

I was trying to figure out how does the sand come out from the funnel

Trying to balance! Where are my leg? 

Ohh no DaddyScott was up to no good!

He tried to bury me in the sand.... I can't move

Almost going home!

 MummyT2X and me signing off~

Bye! I am glad you made it here to read about my outdoor adventure @ East Coast Park:)

Watch this video of me when half my body was being buried in the sand, two very mean adults were present, one making fun of me and the other filming the process!

Quick report Child Abuse!!!

haha just kidding :) 

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