Baby Le Xin

Sunday 6 January 2013

Exposing Le Xin to Guitar!

If I have given birth to a boy instead of a girl......I'm pretty sure I am going to nuture him into a 情歌王子....
Haha who probably has the voice of Jeff Chang but looks like Mike He.... then he could use his guitar skill to 迷倒 all the girls right?
Okay okay I know I am dreaming.....Since, Le Xin can't be 情歌王子 alright how about  nuturing her into 情歌公主 instead? That's the reason why I decided to buy a her a GUITAR for Christmas!
Definitely a perfect gift isn't it? So Le Xin how do you feel about your present?
You must be kidding me :( Hmph! my guitar only has 4 strings and you want to nuture me into 情歌公主?
Okok I try....对面的男孩看过来,看过来,看过来
Attempt fail, Mummy please it's overrrrrrrrrrr! Please allow me to use these instead!
How about getting some inspiration from two pretty girls? But Mummy what's wrong with you? Why did you choose Gangdam style of all songs?.......Okay nonetheless, this is definitely better than watching a mad uncle dancing like a horse haha :)
I am pretty sure I can do a better job than Janice and Sonia.....just wait and see okay?
So what song should I sing first?
Hey wait....I must pretend to look emo, sentimental and all professional!
Haha so are you ready?

Ohhhhhhh noooooooo!!! Mummy didn't even tell me she was going to film me and guess what?  I can still sing despite not knowing the lyrics of the song 厉害吧 :p
NG! NG! Could you try to film me secretly please?......I am too nervous!
My second attempt.......
Okay I give up trying to be 情歌公主, I guess looking cute and pretty is good enough!
Don't you think so?
Haha obviously this post was just Mummy trying to be funny.... I suppose you  didn't think it was for real did you?  However, the title "Exposing Le Xin to Guitar" is really true! I want to expose her to as many musical instruments as possible and observe which instrument(s) interests her the most. I used to love playing the piano a lot but as a child I do not have enough money to learn :( As for guitar, I did try it at some point of my life but  I feel that it's too painful for my fingers....aww~ As I reflect and write this post, I realised that this learning experience has taught me how to build  Le Xin's confidence through music. Looking at how she strumned the guitar  on her own (while I was cooking dinner) made me realised that sometimes it's just a spark that we adults need to ignite and the rest is completely up to the child don't you agree?

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