Baby Le Xin

Sunday 2 June 2013

Finger Painting

Finger Painting is probably one of the easiest way to expose a child to painting. 

Le Xin looking at the paint on her finger...

Next, she started to paint by pressing her index finger on the paper...

Le Xin dipping her finger into the paint....

Closing the cover when she was done with the painting...

Mummy I want to clean my finger  requested Le Xin

Le Xin  was cleaning her finger and preparing to.......

Use her thumb instead...

Exploring different techniques to print....

Show and tell ----> Le Xin sharing with me what she has done!

Mummy you see my painting nice? asked Le Xin

Throughout the whole session, I was observing Le Xin and facilitating her. I am glad that I have given her ample time and the opportunity to explore things on her own. I told myself I need to have self-control for I do not wish to direct her on what to do, where to paint and how to make her painting look nicer....

 I often think to myself......Le Xin will only learn if  she takes charge of her own learning so many at times, I choose to allow her to explore and engage in an activity on her own while I observe her closely and only render help when necessary. 

I read this meaningful quote that states that when an adult deliberately teaches a child something that he could possibly learn or discover on his own through exploration, that adults is only killing the enthusiasm that the child could possibly have for learning ....So remember this and don't be too obsessed with the outcome of the end product, the process always matters the most!

When you see a child as a competent individual with the skill to accomplish or achieve a task, you should think of the many possible ways to encourage independence and autonomy. I strongly believe that it is only when we make an effort to do that, then we can help the child to develop a sense of satisfaction upon completing his/her work....Agree?

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