Luckly Le Xin, she has gotten another birthday present from Daddy Scott again!
Preparing the bubble mix!
Then it was Daddy Scott's turn to have a go at poking the bubbles.....
There is always something magical about playing with bubbles.....Children are often thrilled to see bubbles in whatever situation and no matter how different the bubbles look like! I often connect bubble play with GOOD EARLY CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCE and I certainly think every child should deserve that! So when your child is feeling bored, just bring him/her out and have some bubble fun :) Good bonding and instant happiness :)
This photo should convince you that what I have mentioned above is true whahaha agree?

Showing Le Xin how to dip the equipment in...
This video shows how the bubble equipment works...
Let's try it :)
Wow, it's so fun!
We also gave her a straw to poke the bubbles.....
Then it was Daddy Scott's turn to have a go at poking the bubbles.....
There is always something magical about playing with bubbles.....Children are often thrilled to see bubbles in whatever situation and no matter how different the bubbles look like! I often connect bubble play with GOOD EARLY CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCE and I certainly think every child should deserve that! So when your child is feeling bored, just bring him/her out and have some bubble fun :) Good bonding and instant happiness :)
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